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EDBZ Blog #21

Eardrum Buzz Radio is curated by human beings, not an algorithm. And we're free to listen to!

Creating a playlist for a radio show in my mind must be much like when a band puts together their songs for a record. You want to take the listener on a journey and keep the listener engaged through to the end. I agonize with my song selections for our twice monthly Vapour Trail Live, knowing that I'm going to share my sets with two other people with different tastes in music than my own. Do I worry about what they're playing and how we all fit together? Not really, as that is part of the experience. I do concern myself with the internal flow of each of my sets and if they sound good together and as a whole in my own world. Think of it as a narrative, a point of view of a character in a story. And hopefully, the flow of the whole show works well together. Regardless, it is a journey and the places we go, the bands we play, and the very songs we play create a picaresque travelogue to entice your soul and give you some amount of pleasure and escape from whatever is going on in your collective lives. Crafting our shows certainly must fuel our souls at the very least and for you to tune in and chat with us gives us a brief respite from whatever is going on in our lives.

That being said, just a few weeks ago, Eardrum Buzz Radio celebrated its third anniversary on this planet and we featured many guest DJ shows as well as shows from our DJ family who all made great one and two hour sets of music that made us smile, gave us a break from the day-to-day and got us moving. Thanks to everyone that made it possible, for giving away music and even going live when their shows are usually recorded. The time and effort and thought and good musical taste that you put into each and every show is inspiring to me and likely to you as well. Thanks to you, the listener, for taking the time to listen to as many shows as you did and for sharing your enthusiasm with us too!

We've got a new monthly show called Shots From Across The Pond featuring the band members from Say Yes, Do Nothing. They contacted me about doing a show for our third anniversary and turned in a Scotch-fuelled good time of chatting and playing tunes. They'll be on fourth Mondays at 11am and 8pm Pacific time. For those in the UK, that's 7pm Greenwich time and 4am on Tuesday morning. Their second airing will be on right after Kris Gardner's Your First Listen, so stay on after her show on fourth Fridays. And the first airing is on my birthday, July 24th!

Here I am at around 11pm at night putting on the station a bunch of songs with "moon" in the song title reflecting on where we've been as a station and where we're going. Will we ever gain more listeners? Will people buy more of our shirt designs? Will I get more Patrons to help the economic burden of running the station and website? Will I slow down buying new music from Bandcamp and other sources which inevitably also helps keep the musicians going? Will people realize that paying the Spotify executives and lifting songs off Youtube causes them to be a part of the problem of the whole music business, by not actually supporting the bands by purchasing their music? Simply paying a dollar a song isn't going to make any of these bands selling their music on Bandcamp rich in any way, but buying into a jukebox service doesn't do the actual bands any good either. So I challenge all you music fans out there to put your money where your heart is and purchase the music we play on Eardrum Buzz Radio, to go and see bands perform live and to keep talking about the bands you hear making music now, not just wrap yourselves in the nostalgic and cozy blanket of music from decades ago picked by an algorithm. Stay young, stay creative and stay at to hear music that just came out yesterday as well as those favorites of days gone by long ago. And hopefully, your enthusiasm will fuel me to have a fourth anniversary!

Thanks for your support!

Bret Miller

I'm on Facebook at:,, on Twitter @eardrum_buzz and Instagram @eardrumbuzzradio. I have an autopost for songs played on Twitter too. On Patreon you will get exclusive mixes of some of my favorite bands, a discount code for shirts and you'll get to hear Vapour Trail Live a week early, plus mugs, totes and more for the higher tiers. Buy shirts and hoodies with three different designs and many color choices at:

Visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or email me at and send me your band submissions in MP3 format as well as your requests and keep up with our latest shows! Sign up for our monthly newsletter at the bottom of our website or check out the Blog page on the website.

Become a Patron and help support the station at:

Other ways to support Eardrum Buzz Radio are via Paypal: Every little bit helps and goes towards bills, saving for new gear and purchasing more music for your enjoyment. You can also retweet our autoposts from Twitter @eardrum_buzz and on Instagram @eardrumbuzzradio and repost and share our events on Facebook, post about your new music and releases at and join us there to chat during our shows.

Thanks to everyone who listens to Eardrum Buzz Radio, chats with us throughout the week and during our live shows and helps spread the word. You are appreciated!

Eardrum Buzz Radio Patreon page:

Written by Bret Miller Eardrum Buzz Radio

Follow Eardrum Buzz Radio: Instagram: @eardrumbuzzradio Twitter: @eardrum_buzz Facebook:

Send submissions to: with "Submission" and your band name in the subject. Please only MP3 files, no WAV files, no Spotify links, just your awesome music!


© 2025 EardrumBuzz Radio

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